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June 18am

Skill Building: Let's Spin Beehives and Cocoons

June 18: 9:00pm - noon

Olds Fibre Week, Olds College 4500 50 St, Olds,

Have you seen those lovely yarns with the shell shapes along them and wondered how to make them? This class is for you! Beehives and cocoons are among the most dramatic of the novelty yarns and in this class we will learn how to make them.

In this class we will cover how to make four types of yarns that have similar techniques but different appearances: beehives, cocoons, knotted cocoons and halos.

Although we will be focussing on these four type of yarns, you will also learn skills that you can bring to other spinning you do: adding insertions to your yarn, changing the size of the yarn you spin to match the yarn you want to make and techniques for improving your dexterity when plying.


This class is suitable for beginner to intermediate spinners. You must be able to spin a continuous single using a worsted style draw.

Tools and Supplies You Need to Bring

  • A working spinning wheel with a bulky flying head, either people powered or an e-spinner

  • Empty bobbins and a lazy kate, niddy noddy

  • Small amount of finished yarn to make ties for your finished skeins.

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