Slow down and create.
Slow down and create.
Our world today is fast-paced. We move from one activity to another with no time to even breathe between them.
‘I need it yesterday.’ ‘How can we deliver sooner?’ ‘We need all of this tomorrow.’
There is no longer room to take time to notice the world around us. The people around us. Our bodies and our minds.
And we suffer for it.
A healing for this can be found in the craft and art of the past. The world was slower and so, too, the creation processes. Hand-spinning and felting are slower crafts we can practice today that can bring some measure of healing.
We invite you to sit down with us.
To take a moment to slow down.
And create.
Look below for the lastest in spinning and felting fibre and tools!
What's New!
Responsible Sustainability
two times infinity explores and revitalizes the art and craft of the past and brings it into the present. And does this while focussing on doing no harm to people, places and creatures. To meet that goal, we do three things.

Gain some new skills with these workshops taught by Master Spinner Elana Goodfellow.